Balance of Proposal Submissions at DiGRA 2005 Conference
2. Game/Sim Play

Role Playing Games, Social Worlds and Social Problems


Who's on First? Competing Points-of-View in Computer Games


Who owns my avatar? - Rights in virtual property


Where Everybody Knows Your (Screen) Name: Online Games as “Third Places”


Visual sign in video games


Video Game Play, Spatial Skills, Balance, and Consciousness Experiences


Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow: The Future-Orientation of Videogame Play


The Psychophysiology of Video Gaming: Phasic Emotional Responses to Game Events


The Marginalized Other of EverQuest: an examination of computer mediated and human/computer interactions within a gaming environment.


The Gaming Body - The relation between games and the physical body of the gamer


The Gamer and the Case Mod: Socio-Material Play and Expression in the LAN Party


SuperGaming: Distributed Design for Massively Collaborative Play, or, Why I Love Bees


Styles of Playing Violent Video Games: An Individual Differences Research Methodology


Styles of Play: Gamer-Identified Trajectories of Participation in MMOGs