Balance of Proposal Submissions at DiGRA 2005 Conference
3. Game/Sim Structure

Walking the Line: The Interface in Limbo


Visual vs. Functional Design of 3D Models for Games


Using Dynamic Sound Effects to Create Interactive Game Audio


Towards Emotionally Adapted Games based on User Controlled Emotion Knobs


Towards an interactive visualization of game design patterns


Thug Life: Liminal Spaces and Social Critique in Grand Theft Auto


Tangible Interfaces for Pervasive Gaming


Socially Interactive Characters for Gaming and Education


Realism and fantasy in computer games


Push. Play. An Examination of the Button


Playing Audio-only Games: A compendium of interacting with virtual, auditory Worlds


Personalizing Game Content Using Audio-Visual Media


Interface and Narrative Texture


Interactive Story Writing in the Classroom: Using Computer Games


Evolution Of Space Configuration In Videogames


Embedding Knowledge in Educational Gameplay: Music Gaming in Cha-Luva Swing Festival


Dialog as a Game


Designing Goals for Role-Players


Cut to the Chase: Towards an Intelligent In-Game Cinematography


Constructing Narrativity in Games: Telling Stories with the Sims


Cinematic Camera as Videogame Cliché: Analysis and Software Demonstration


Can Games Think (Too Much)?